YOGA: A gateway to


Get ready to witness consciousness untouched by the mind to end mundane suffering.


Shape the Body

Yoga has the potential to increase fat loss, develop muscle tone, and build flexibility, leading to a more lean-looking beautiful body. Eventually Healthy mind lies in Healthy Body.


Shape the Mind

Yoga shapes the MIND by boosting GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) in your thalamus part of your brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm you down.


Shape the

The shape of life is to be happy and is only achieved when you’ll become equal minded in both success and failure and that equanimity is only achieved by YOGA.

To love every moment that you live*

Discover Our Yoga Studio

The Five Major Principles of Yoga

Yoga is a way of life. Yoga is a science, not a religion, of uniting the mind, body and soul. It is also an art of living the right way. The techniques of Yoga are very practical, so they can always be applied. This is the reason why Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and is still valid today. This practical science can be broken down into five major principles.

01 -
Proper Exercise (Asanas)
02 -
Proper Breathing (Pranayama)
03 -
Proper Relaxation (Savasana)
04 -
Proper Diet and Nutrition
05 -
Positive Thinking and Meditation


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        Meet-ups to find peace*

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        Our Programs

        Why choose us*

        To gain Inner Peace and Self-Confidence

        If you are beginner then don’t worry we have variety of courses that will escalate you from Scratch to Sketch.

        We offer individual suggestions to help you in healing your mind and body so that you’ll leave class feeling great physically and mentally.

        Because you are more than just a body. Our classes help you cultivate good health and fitness, calm your mind and emotions, reduce pain, lose weight, and live your life with a grace and a feeling of joy.


        Customers Say

        Crystal Coelho
        Crystal Coelho

        I highly recommend yoga with Ashlesha. I enjoy that Ashlesha covers a range of things in one session such stretching, breathing, exercise, meditating and positions, and explains the importance of them all. Ashlesha offers classes in person and on Teams, and even on Teams she picks up on everything and provides useful guidance and encouragement. My posture and back has never been better!

        Neha Gahrotra
        Neha Gahrotra

        Thank you Ashlesha mam for taking us on a journey towards a healthy lifestyle with your online yog lessons. It was literally impossible for me to take any time out at all for exercise throughout the week. I felt no motivation till you inspired me to come back for each of the yog and meditation sessions each week without ever missing one. You are a great motivator, a healer and the best yog guru. You instill peace into my whole week. I am also feeling mentally and physically stronger and mostly grateful for everything since connecting with you. The atmosphere you create and your polite and soft way of teaching in a natural way is easy to follow and practice daily. I am grateful and thankful for this opportunity to learn yog and mediation under your guidance.

        Anant Gahrotra
        Anant Gahrotra

        Very grateful to Ashlesha ji for her support and guidance in the past 1.5 months…her all round focus on “yog”, diet, meditation and sheer motivation has been pivotal on my journey back to fitness and wellbeing. Those old jeans are no longer gathering dust in the top shelve as the weighing machine shows 3.5kgs less in only 2 months 😃 Ps… don’t worry if you can’t make it for in-person classes.. Ashlesha ji runs these classes on Microsoft Teams ( it’s not a plug for Microsoft 😉 )

        Hema Upadhyay
        Hema Upadhyay

        I was looking for a yoga teacher during my Pregnancy journey where I came across Ashlesha She guided me through my pregnancy with different gentle exercises, meditation, breathing exercises and asanas I can tell this helped me through out my pregnancy Would definitely recommend her

        Our Certification*

        Because we believe that trust is the foundation to build a relationship that lasts long

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