Prenatal & Kids Yoga*
Prenatal yoga is a gentler form of yoga designed to build strength and balance in pregnant people.
Benefits of prenatal yoga include easing low backaches, labor pains, anxiety, and stress.
Common prenatal yoga poses include child's pose, Malasana squat, triangle pose, and bird dog.
What Is Prenatal Yoga?
During pregnancy, you want to stay in shape and do what is best for you and your baby. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to do both. In our go-go-go world, yoga offers a much-needed opportunity to slow down and connect with your baby and with your body as it transforms. Whether you are new to yoga or are already an experienced practitioner, you can enjoy the many benefits of yoga during pregnancy.
What to Expect In
Yoga Class
In a prenatal yoga class, you’ll likely be encouraged to use accessories (bolsters, blocks, wedges or folded blankets) to achieve the proper alignment. You can typically expect:
- A short period of relaxation
- A standing vinyasa flow
- Gentle stretching
- A modification of savasana
Health Benefits of
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal yoga classes help prepare you for the birthing process and allow you to enjoy the company of other pregnant women. This fosters a valuable sense of community. Many new moms’ support systems and toddlers’ playgroups have emerged from the bonds forged in prenatal yoga.
When you’re pregnant, it may sometimes feel like your body has been taken over by an alien. All the things you thought you knew about yourself go out the window as your body does its amazing work. Change that is out of your control can lead you to feel disconnected from your sense of self.
In yoga, it’s often said that your body is different every time you get on the mat. You work on accepting that change is constant. In pregnancy, this is doubly true. Yoga helps you reconnect with your body and embrace its journey.
Supports Your Changing Body
Tones Important Muscle Groups
Prepares for Labor and Delivery
Promotes Connection With Your Baby
Relief From Common Pregnancy Complaints
Gives You a Healthier Pregnancy
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